Holcot v Strokers @ Holcot

I’m not sure how to follow reports from wordsmiths Pollard and Mardon especially as this is largely from memory following the failure of Worthington’s iPad to reboot!  

Holcot remains an alluring fixture of cricketing Valhalla albeit the glow faded slightly last week as ….

….it was a three jumper and scarf evening

….they had no gimps, even affable captain Tim had been removed from the chain of command

….A J Whyte took so long to reach the fixture from his new studio he’d had time to write a whole new album 

We batted first in the order of arrival (a man down as Middleton’s blood wasn’t pumping properly ….. how this had manifested itself is a point of debate….. i’ll just leave you with one fact, it was his birthday the day before :-).

Worthington opened with Solihull/Spanish Simon and made a brisk start until he became obsessed about our inability to keep both his well thumbed iPad and the electronic scoreboard up-to-date simultaneously, the subsequent drop in concentration resulted in him sending a dolly up.  Simon, with a rather bold statement of a bat (naked except for “Spaniard” emblazoned on the shoulder) flashed like Zorro at anything wide of the pegs and blocked anything on them.  On reflection, he had no intention of connecting amassing 3 off his first 11 overs…..bring back Middleton…all is forgiven. Fortunately the demise of Worthington had brought Castle to the crease, he scooped and bludgeoned his way to what we have come to expect (25 retired) in relatively short order.  

The remaining bats don’t warrant much of a mention…Todd felt hard done by as one of our Storm Shadows had clearly been redirected from the front line, run out by a direct hit (without bounce) from the sight screen. Jonny HC – must do better (how I’ve wanted to write those words about a teacher after years of traumatic evenings for my parents), a welcome return for Charlie Spencer, stylish as ever but now surplus to requirements after introducing his son, Monty, to fill Middletons shoes at the last minute – Monty hit an effortlessly stylish boundary to close our innings of 102 from 20 overs.

Todd decided to use Shock (White) and Awe (Hill) to open the bowling. White secured a fantastic hat trick in his most recent appearance and Hill had been looking rapid in the indoor nets. Shock and Awe are now known as Meat and Drink, White going for an average of 14 an over before being replaced by Monty.  In spite of a shaky start surely the combination of two pace men would calm things ?  In fairness Hill bowled with lovely line, length and pace but I’m sure he won’t mind me saying that the bats were 20+ years to the good and very talented. Monty bowled wonderfully with real nip; his father had previously advised that he should probably dial it down…..Todd asked for maximum effort to salvage some credibility, Monty secured our only wicket. Jonny HC was given a shot at redemption following his duck…..sadly he missed. 

The White Swan served a cracking Chilli, ask Hill and Toad.  Bob confirmed we’d be invited back again after providing good practice for his lads!

Bring back a winning captain !