Strokers vs Ramblers – 18th April 2021

The Strokers emerged from an enforced Covid hibernation to play a 30-over rollercoaster against a touring Ramblers side on Sunday, bathed in warm April sunshine and Peroni to the delight of the biggest crowd ever recorded at a home fixture.

Written by Tim Pollard

Sunday 18 Apr 2021

The Strokers emerged from an enforced Covid hibernation to play a 30-over rollercoaster against a touring Ramblers side on Sunday, bathed in warm April sunshine and Peroni to the delight of the biggest crowd ever recorded at a home fixture.

There was hirsute hilarity aplenty, as confused Strokers showed off their lockdown locks and dusted down cricket gear that had lain dormant for much of the corona-crunchdown. Skipper Potter had selected well, and even claimed in his pre-match email that this was ‘a Strokers XI without a gimp in sight!’ Bold words indeed…

After some frantic tossing of unknown outcome, the Strokers padded up for a crack at putting some runs on the electronic scoreboard at Oundle Town Cricket Club. Out waddled Worthington and Middleton, two wisened veterans ready to teach the young whippersnapper undergraduates a thing or two about batting. And – ye gads! – they were still both there 32 runs later, boasting 16 points apiece before succumbing to catches chasing the Ramblers’ spinner. It was one of our best spells of opening batsmanship in living memory.

The scorebook records a full hour of play until the second wicket fell at 58-2, Atkinson Jr adding a plucky 19 before being removed by Boyle Jr. Out strode vice-captain Kisiel, silvery mane blowing in the April breeze, ready for battle. Forty runs later, he was out LBW, but not before a brief partnership with Simeons (8) and Drewett (2), who was soon returning his pads to his old school trunk kit bag.

Out strode Williams, the tallest Stroker, a man mountain, a rock of batting fortitude and lofty ambition. His flashing wand and heroic Strokeplay saw another 34 runs added to the scoreboard batting at 7, as the Strokers surpassed all expectations by nudging the total to 165 after their allotted 30 overs. Atkinson (1) and Pollard (4 not out, his first non-dismissal since prep school) completed the set.

It might have been mid-April in Northamptonshire, but it felt like an early evening in Ibiza Old Town, as the sun dipped in an azure sky, beer bottles clinked and a year’s worth of banter erupted; the arrival of spring, a new school term and shots in our arms heralding less fraught times ahead. But before long, the Ramblers were padding up and it was our turn to bowl.

Atkinson Jr opened with a dose of metronomic pace bowling, notching a maiden in his first over and stopping the Ramblers in their tracks. However, the opposition were young of heart and eager of skill, mere second years at university most of them – and there was power in their bat and not a little studenty derring-do. Stroker faith in our total diminished as the opening pair cracked off 94 runs between them, leaving us to play catch up for much of the innings.

No bother. On came Williams for a three-over spell (26-0), joined by White (29-0) and Simeons (29-0) as the Ramblers whittled away our score. Our secret weapon came in skipper Potter’s masterful round-the-wicket loopers, slanting in some absolute beauties that snagged a trio of wickets, including the prized scalp of Potter Jr on his way for a fine haul of 32-3.

Our captain was aided and abetted by Atkinson Jr who struck in his fifth over – and Lord Wellington who struck in his first, second and final overs with a devastating spell from the Stahl end, helped no end by sublime keeping by the ever-agile Drewett. The game went down to the wire, and the Ramblers needed three to win with four balls to go and no wickets in hand. It was a nail-biter but a boundary that got away handed victory to the youngsters at the death.

Highlights included a pair of most unStrokerly catches – a marvellous one-handed affair by Kisiel on the boundary and a full-blooded diving clutch by Simeons on debut. Elsewhere, there was remarkably tidy fielding, no little gimpery and mirth and merry-making aplenty. Top Stroking all round – it’s great to be back!